Bike trip 2007: Devils Lake

Lunch at a cemetery.

The weather was just great.

On the ferry boat to Merrimac.

Bad ice cream at the ferry station on the Merrimac side. (The other side has good ice cream. )

Beautiful landscape around Devils Lake.

A Mourning Dove. (Hooaahooo-hooo hooo!)

I had repeated problems with my chain, which fell off when I changed gears.

I found a dead Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) next to the road.

Devils Lake state park.

Devils Lake and Megan in the evening sun.

Megan found a Luna Moth (Arctias selene).

In the morning we got 3 hours of pouring rain.

The tent was leaking and most of our luggage got wet.

On the way back we got more rain, but it cleared up towards the afternoon.

Back at home we put our stuff outside for drying and went for dinner.

The pizza was great!

Read the full story below:

We went on a bike ride to Devil's Lake State Park! It was about 90 miles total of biking.
It was a very nice Saturday and so sunny and warm and we left at 1 pm. We ate lunch (crackers and Edam cheese and Milanos and fruit leather) in a cemetery with huge trees in the middle of farmland. The ride was very hilly and we went on new roads so that was a treat. We went by Crystal Lake with tons of people fishing and the road was right next to the lake so that was a big highlight, and some of the wooded roads were great. We took the Merrimac ferry across the Wisconsin River and got ice cream (disgusting Schoepps brand, from the factory by Megan’s yucky old apartment on the east side; Megan had frostbitten chocolate and Thomas had way too sweet New York cherry). Then the ride to Devil's Lake was so pretty with the Baraboo hills. But it was super challenging biking in the park with the huge hills and we biked all around the park because we didn't know where the campgrounds were. We made it to our campsite at 8 pm and had angel hair with spaghetti sauce which was great. When Megan was taking a shower, she noticed a freshly hatched Luna Moth male on the screen window!!! Luckily it stayed there long enough for Megan to get Thomas from the men’s room. Thomas caught the moth. Thomas ordered Luna Moth pupae over the internet and they hatched a few months ago, but he's never found one in the wild. They are only found about 10 days of the year, so Megan was very lucky to find one.
The next morning it rained from 6 am to 9 am. The weather last we checked Saturday wasn't a bad forecast for Sunday. Megan’s tent flooded - the bottom of her sleeping bag was soaked because the bottom half of the tent was a small pond. Megan decided to buy a new tent after that incident and a thermarest. It stopped raining a bit so we could pack up our soaking stuff and eat breakfast, and then it started raining again as we took off at 11 am. We found a shortcut so we could get out of the park faster. The rain let up and on the other side of the ferry they had super good ice cream--Chocolate Shoppe black cherry. We had a very nice break and then biked home. The sun came out but it was super windy which slowed us down. Megan ended up walking some hills towards the end. But we made it, in probably 7 hours again. Then we celebrated with Guinness and pizza at a restaurant. Thomas has some trouble with breaking in his new bike--the chain fell off a few times and so he couldn't change his gears very well, and then a screw fell off from his bike rack. But now it's been repaired. So we had a great time biking and really want to go all of the time now! Thomas also found a Black Swallowtail (to be fossilized) and a caterpillar of a beautiful Baltimore Butterfly that he was very excited about.

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